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Manager Endpoints#

If you are a manager, you can use the following routes to manage users within your customer.


User accounts can be created via the POST /user-management/users endpoint. See also the auto-generated API documentation.

Request Body#

The request to this endpoint needs to include an application/json encoded object containing the following fields:

email string >email< The email for the new user. If no initial password is provided, instructions on how to complete the account setup are sent to this address.
password (optional) string The default is to not provide a password. In this case the customer is sent an email with a link to verify the email address and set the password. If a password is provided, it is assumed that the email is verified and no further communication is sent to the customer. The password must be at least 12 characters long and must contain:
  • a minimum of 1 lower case letter [a-z] and
  • a minimum of 1 upper case letter [A-Z] and
  • a minimum of 1 numeric character [0-9] and
  • a minimum of 1 special character:
role One of "manager" | "user" The role that will be assigned to this user and dictate the overall permissions the user will have within its customer.
first_name (optional) string The first name of the user.
last_name (optional) string The last name of the user.
job_title (optional) string The job title of the user.
communication_language (optional) string The prefered communication language. Possible values are: en, de, ja, fr, es.
phone (optional) string Phone number of the user.


On success, returns a JSON object containing the single key user_id, defining the unique identifier for the newly created user. This identifier is needed for any other related action for this user, e.g. updating or deleting it, etc.


User accounts can be deleted via the DELETE /user-management/users endpoint. See also the auto-generated API documentation.


{user_id} UUID The identifier for the user that is to be deleted.

Request Body#



On success, returns an empty HTTP Response


User accounts within a customer can be listed with the GET /user-management/users endpoint. See also the auto-generated API documentation.



Request Body#



On success, returns an application/json response body containing a list of User objects in the following form:

User object
    "username": "",
    "first_name": "Jane",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "job_title": "Engineer",
    "role": "user"